Dickies - Love Your Work


Dickies asked U-Dox to put together a book annual to celebrate the heritage and product of the brand alongside the subcultures that Dickies has become influential amongst.


Given that Dickies is influential in a wide range of subcultures, it was deemed appropriate to produce targeted content to appeal directly to this ever-expanding demographic.

We approached the book as a curatorial project, selecting characters and cultural movements that not only reflected the brand’s ethos, but also its brand consumer appeal.
We were responsible for all elements of the print campaign, from concept and design through to editorial creation and production.


“Love Your Work is the best printed piece we have ever produced in Europe. We wanted to have something that shows how Dickies has become a natural part of several different cultures, and the book encapsulates this brilliantly.”

Jürgen Alker – Brand Director Europe at Williamson-Dickies Europe GmbH