Did You Hear The One About The Sovereign Grant?

  • Cold Porridge

The Sovereign Grant is the annual payment to the British Monarchy taken from the British Taxpayer. The total for 2023/2024 is £86.3million, and is set to rise. "The Crown Estate had assets worth £16.5bn in 2022: almost £8bn of properties in London, including Regent Street, as well as nearly half the land along the coast of England, Wales and Northern Ireland." Edgington & Clarke. Buckingham Palace is undergoing a 10-year-long £ 369 million refurbishment, but state schools have faced closures due to the risk to children's lives. The specific type of concrete used to build some of these schools, RAAC, is deemed unsafe, and the walls are crumbling. The then education secretary, Michael Gove, scrapped the Labour Party's School Rebuilding Programme in 2010. The country is being governed by an unelected Prime Minister and an unelected House of Lords and we are pumping money into the Royal Family. Our tax is used to fund the already disgustingly rich system. In 2023 in the UK, not only are the children starving, but receiving an education could harm them. ​Did You Hear the One About the Sovereign Grant? Collage, paper, acrylic paint, ink. 12" x 17"