Djoker - Pencil & Pen - Art - 2020

  • Amar Azad
Djoker - Pencil & Pen - 192mm x 280mm - 2020

Novak Djokovic, one of the greatest tennis players to play the game and a star in the world of sport. Known for his return of serve, ultimate defence, extreme flexibility, endurance, stamina, focus, mental and physical toughness. I have always admired Djokovic's game and also personality of discipline, hard work ethic and self mastery of becoming an elite athlete in the world and strive towards being number one and one of the greatest.

This hand rendered piece is created with pencil & pen. The background is composed with pointillism, an out of depth of felid background with the blur, in addition being completed with pointillism would add to the diffused effect. Djokovic is rendered with pencil, many weights and layers of pencil work was applied, to enhance and bring Novak out of the piece with a hyper realistic effect with the depth. The only colour within the piece is the green tennis ball applied with dark, grass, lime green pencils.

I focused on taking smaller timed sessions, working on small areas by small areas, firstly with the pointillism background and then the pencil work. More breaks within the small timed sessions and rest for the eyes, as I had a careful and patient approach. I feel the mix between the diffused pointillism background and realistic pencil rendered Djokovic, balance well and the greens of the tennis ball adds a nice element.