Does balance really exist?

  • Renata Fraga
Very often we hear conversations about it. Very often we also try to rock everything in our lives and come to a realization it is a very difficult task not to say impossible.

We commonly think balance is having everything in order, at the same time. To give attention to all aspects of our lives the same way, to give 100% of our effort in each and every area. But it is more like a swing, when sometimes some things are on top, and some are under. Or like the waves, coming and going, sometimes strong, sometimes weak. And we often end up feeling like a juggler in the circus trying to balance all plates at the same time — and failing hard.

What we don’t normally think is most of the time, to focus in one thing we naturally have to let go of focus in other areas. That if we need to focus a bit more at work, we naturally see our friends less for some time. Or if we feel we need to give our family more attention, we are choosing to get out of work on time instead of working extra hours or trying to get that promotion right now.

It is normal to try in doing everything at the same time. If it is the right thing to do is another story. And that is why prioritizing what is that we need — or should — focused on at the moment is so important. Especially to keep sanity and our mental health in check.

It is important to understand everything has it is moment, and sometimes it is necessary to give more attention to one thing for others to work, to flow.

That being emotionally, your health, work or pleasure. It is an eternal choice of priorities and next small steps. So what do you need to balance or unbalance right now? What do you need all your attention on? What do you need to abdicate right now for something you want to happen? It is Always about the simple — and important — questions.