Doppio Malto Bottles

  • Angela (Angie) Violino

Work for Lumen Design. Doppio Malto is a brewery dedicated to creating unique, award-winning beers. Recently, Doppio Malto has also decided to open their first pub with brewery connected. I was involved through Lumen Design in the creation of the new beer labels and design of the pub interiors. The concept for the labels was to create 11 different graphics for all their range of beers, communicating for each beer its unique flavours and story, enhancing the character of the beer. To create a unique range of labels, a typeface was chosen and modified for each beer. To make sure the beers were seen as a family a black matt paper was chosen. The graphic is printed with 11 different metal foil colours. For more feminine and light beers a more gentile and floral graphic was designed. Work: Labels’ tone of voice and personality; Labels’ colour palette and typography; Development of graphic elements; Labels’ general layout.