In the UK if you’re a public figure the media tends to show you in a single way, a full bodied persona boiled down to a single dimension. And as a fun and humorous politician (quite the unusual thing) Ed Miliband was only ever portrayed as a joker when he was leader of the Labour Party. However, when I met Ed it became instantly clear that there is also a serious and thoughtful side to the man. He’s happy to laugh and play jokes on himself, and he’s just as happy to dive deep into a philosophical discussion about changing the world. His interview with Jude Rogers is fascinating and candid, so head over to the GQ site for a read, or even better buy a copy of the magazine and enjoy it in beautiful print. Massive thanks to Ed for letting me invade his home and garden, to Robin Key for the fascinating commission, and to Philip Hardman and Arthur Comely for assisting so beautifully.