Editorial Assistant on Hit The Road (Year 12)

  • Marine Zajicek

Hit The Road (Albin Michel/Magnard) is an upcoming English textbook for Year 12 (Première) French students. I was one of the editorial assistants on this project. I worked on it from the beginning of its conception (building a summary of contents). We were dedicated to creating a textbook with only authentic content that would appeal to both teenagers and teachers and tackle as many current issues as possible such as Gender Equality, Immigration in the US, Cultural Diversity and Scientific Advances. You can find a sneak-peak of the textbook at this address: https://fr.calameo.com/read/0000158569bc382e6cb73?authid=D5IrY3indCRH&fbclid=IwAR2EvsrV11CrS8PDcWx1Cy4v5G86MBmqHQQp9WtxAhg8gtRTWbf8pv7Kays