Eenheid Archive

  • Jess Adkins
  • Seamus White

The arts should build self-awareness and self-image, link our people’s experiences, create new understandings of our lives and pass on these understandings. From this can come a vision of how to take our community and our people forward. – Thami Mnyele ​South Africa is home to many different people, cultures, traditions, music, art and more. An extremely beautiful and uniquely diverse country, special to many people for many reasons, but it was not long ago that Apartheid sought to divide a nation and its lasting impact is still felt today. In 2016 I started sending disposable cameras to an increasingly diverse group of South Africans. This ongoing collaborative project explores ideas of unity, community and identity. Eenheid aims to bring people together and create new understandings through the sharing of personal experience via a common medium. It's the goal that these snapshots into real lives will serve as an authentic archive of South Africa and its people. The growing archive exists online and as a printed series of magazines and limited edition hard cover books. Half of all profits are donated to local South African charities, the remaining half is used to keep the project going. Website made by Seamus White Typeface 'Honiton' by Rifke Sadleir Visit website instagram