• Skye Kelly-Barrett
  • Elena Gumeniuk

We were so super thrilled when two of our artists: Elena Gumeniuk, and William Exley were commissioned to be a part of an incredible pop-up therapy centre that was organised by the lovely team at This Is Cow PR for iZettle. The concept of the project was to ask the artists to create a piece that depicted their interpretation of what they foresee for the “Future of British High-Streets” - The artists took time to think about how we consume commercial items, and what implications it might have for small and local businesses. The Rehab Centre: To help consumers break free from the snare of the convenient but addictive online retail giants, fintech company iZettle opened a one-of-a-kind ‘rehab’ centre in London called the ‘Giant Corp Rehab Centre’. Run by trained therapists, the facility offers a variety of interactive sessions to make consumers think twice about their shopping habits, realise the damage it’s having on the high street and urge them to swap their ‘one-click’ cravings for local love. Sessions includd ‘meditative box therapy’ (a repetitive, stress-busting session where participants literally flatten their addiction by crushing hundreds of cardboard delivery boxes from Giant Corp), ‘digit distraction’(a session that teaches participants why they are so compelled to hit that ‘click to buy’ button and how to control their finger urges) and ‘shock therapy’ (an eye-opening art display by illustrators (which included our Elena & Will!) depicting the bleak futures facing the British high street). The artists were ask to create a piece alongside a small description of what their visions for the future world of retail would be; please see artwork below:

"Buy Unique" by Elena Gumeniuk
"Dystopian Van" by William Exley