Emotive Exposure

  • Matthew Ponting

Emotive Exposure is a series of graphic manuals that reflect the techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This is a form of psychotherapy that can modify dysfunctional emotions, behaviours, and thoughts. The applications for these booklets include the treatment of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

The user navigates through the relevant guide completing tasks and learning more about the characteristics of their condition. They aim to be more interactive than a traditional clinical self-help report. Through graded exposure to a particular fear it can become more manageable for someone to deal with.
This was a valuable contribution I felt that I could make as a Graphic Designer towards the techniques that people use to deal with their phobias and anxieties. These would be readily available as an online resource or physically attainable in the location where the fear is triggered.
One of the main focuses of my study was based around claustrophobia; the fear of enclosed spaces. In response to my research, I decided to develop a visual system based of the confined mechanisms of a lift. This booklet discusses the steps someone could take to gradually expose themselves to their fear of using a lift. The increased floor number corresponds with the greater progression of the user.