Energy Drink Powder vs Premade Energy Drinks

  • Carrie Jackson
Suppose you’re looking for a way to energise your body, whether you want to improve your performance in a particular sport or increase your recovery rate. In that case, you’ll probably know that energy drinks are a good way to do this. There are two main types of energy drinks: ones you buy pre-made and ready to drink and those that come in powder form that you mix with liquid yourself to create an energy drink. In this article, we take a look at the benefits of each type of energy drink.

Levels of energy

The specific amount of energy you get from pre-made energy drinks and powder mix energy drinks will depend on the individual ingredients in each drink. Both are often very similar and contain a high amount of sugars combined with electrolytes and, potentially, caffeine. If you’re worried about the health impact of caffeine, look carefully at the ingredients and information provided on caffeine levels.


If you’re doing lots of training and energy drinks form part of your routine, you’ll want the best option at the lowest possible price. Pre-made energy drinks are often more expensive as they’re considered more convenient. You can save money by buying energy drink powder and making your own energy drinks at home. The powder is also much lighter and easier to ship in one container; this helps reduce the manufacturer's cost, which is then passed onto the consumer.


Pre-made energy drinks are more convenient; there are no extra steps that need to be taken before consumption. You can simply open the bottle and drink it straight away. In addition, they’re also more readily available at the supermarket and convenience stores, so you can pick one up when you’re out and about. On the other hand, if you’re travelling and want to take your own energy drinks with you, energy drink powder will be easier and lighter to carry. Most only need to be mixed with water and shaken, which is easily done almost anywhere.


Energy drinks you buy in bottles that are pre-made are already a certain dosage. The only way to regulate how much caffeine and sugar you have is to reduce the amount of the drink you consume. Conversely, an energy drink mix using a powder can be customised to suit your taste and needs. If you want to dilute the drink to increase your intake of water, you can easily do this. Alternatively, if you want to get a high dose of energy, you can increase the amount of energy powder you put into making the drink. You can also combine powders to create your own blend and flavour. Always be careful and make sure you follow the instructions on any energy drink powder. Consuming too much can be dangerous for your health.

Plastic waste

Pre-made energy drinks often come in plastic bottles, these can be recycled, but it takes a large amount of energy and water to make and recycle them. Energy powders require you to use your own bottle or use the same bottle multiple times. This reduces the amount of plastic you’re using and throwing away. Powdered energy drinks are much better for environmentally conscious consumers looking to reduce the amount of single-use plastic they use on a daily basis.


Both pre-made energy drinks and powdered energy drinks can be purchased in a huge variety of flavours by hundreds of different manufacturers. When buying any type of energy drink online, make sure you take the time to check out the review and trustworthiness of the brand and website. You should also look at the ingredients of the power or drink and avoid any company that does not list their ingredients clearly.

Both pre-made and powered energy drinks have their benefits, but overall the powdered energy drinks win the battle. They’re better for the environment, more customisable, easier to transport several drinks and cheaper to purchase. Convenience is the only area where pre-made energy drinks are more beneficial. For athletes and people that regularly train to use energy drinks, buying energy drink power is a great way to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.


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