Event "8 bit vomit = gleeetch"

  • Olga Ivanova
8 BiT VoMiT is a series of New Media art and music events founded by DJ and artist Olya Levistova, talented journalist Nevi Balezdrova, and digital marketing enthusiast Tanja Korobka. It has been created by London Chip Swarm with a mission to grow the chiptune and alternative electronoizedance scene and full-on party experiences ;)

After a year of 8 bit vomit experiences, inspirations, amazing people involved in helping and organising the fun, and European mini-tour he is turning into something more diverse and playful and evolved into GLEETCH which has launched in Berlin in the audio-visual hub - AV Format and now based in London.

GLEETCH [ glee=fun ] has come out of the new explorations of 8 bit vomit crew in the modern=antimodern culture of audio and video experiments and glitch art and combined with its diverse music tastes, djing obsessions, new inspirations in art, life, music and entertainment.

Another ambition that has been in the plans of 8 bit vomit events is the incorporation of lectures and workshops on new media technologies and art. So feel free to drop the line if you are interested in holding workshop or meeting in this context!

GLEETCH is the outer space missioner shuttle that is going to take you to a fun adventure of explorations in sci-fi, technologies and art.