Everyone has been there

  • Carlos Torres

Personal project I did on 2020. The idea behind this project is to translate how many losses we have been suffering this year, sadly some of us have lost people, some other goods or businesses such as fashion collections not being released or closing down your precious local cafe, and some just merely themselves, letting all of us to get somehow something in common. I believe that because of the nature of the subject this has been facing different stages, the initial purpose of it was to achieve the idea at the same time of doing a lens testing, then on the day not being able to shoot where we wanted neither using few props for a solid narrative due to an awful strong wind, and some others impediments. But as the wind blew heavily the weather changed quickly as well, and we managed to get what I think it can be the essence of what we wanted to do with decent imagery and a good team behind. I am super grateful to have worked with Geovannie Simms for being such a star on that windy day. To Carlota Barrera to support this project with her fashion and ideas. And as ever to my precious sister Raquel and my very good friend Marc, doing such a good job with their music, and of course to Miguel, all of them have always been there. The song is a cover from Paco Ibañez which the lyrics are from a Romance style poem by Federico García Lorca titled "Mi niña se fué a la mar", but in this case we have changed the gender to make it visually sense with the subject, something that now I think it has been a mistake because the poem is perfect how it is and to be honest not that it would have made a big difference. This exact poem was also made into a song by one of the biggest flamenco singers Camarón de la isla on his most famous album La Leyenda del Tiempo.