Exhibition: December 2023

  • Isabella Armora

In this exhibition held at University of Westminster, December 12 2023, I was able to exhibit 3 pieces: 2 large-scale paintings and 1 collaborative piece between myself and my audience where I encouraged them to pick up some chalk and write on a walk. My inspirations and influences are born largely out of a love for typography and language. Here my interest in puzzles and cryptic messages expands across a wall with hidden text reading "ONE THING AT A TIME". I invite my audience to take time with the work in order to grasp onto its true meaning and full image. It takes time to understand things.

Allowing others to have a space to express themselves is pivotal to connecting with my audience. Your input and presence is valued in my space and in my craft. Here lies a wall where everyone could pick up a piece of chalk and put whatever they wanted.
The last painting of the exhibit, hung on the left side of my chalk wall; a reflection of an overwhelming state of mind. I feel I’ve found a visual language throughout this semester at university and am looking forward to seeing how it continues to develop and refine my understanding of myself and communicating my ideas visually
Prints available and more images on my Instagram: @howimwastingtime

Let me know what you think :)