Side Hustle/ Photography

Fashion Product Hats by Shenor Collections

  • Kristine Di Grigoli

Her name is Hillary and she is a genius. She is the founder of Shenor Collections and a remarkably prolific designer. Her hats are works of art. They are multifaceted and imaginative in ways that leave people smiling in amazement. I am waiting for an investor with taste and understanding to discover Hillary. Born in Jamica, she is free spirited and radiant like the tropical sun. She is always smiling and happy. I love working with her, not only because she is such a unique and positive person, but because each time I photograph her work, it is new and fascinating. Some of the hat concepts she comes up are purely whimsical, a kind of Alice in Wonderland fantasy like,.Some of the ideas seem like they are inspired by aeronautical engineering, and then there are others that boggle the mind, and seem to explore the mathematical complexity of mobius strips. In presenting her hat creations on my photography web site, I am hoping someone with insight, appreciation, and real financial horsepower, will help her launch the manufacturing of her amazing creations on a scale that will give women everywhere a chance to get their heads into the art of Shenor Collections.

Looking for collaborators!

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  • Fashion Designer