Fear Less: A podcast series for Kaspersky Lab

  • Gareth Evans

How many of us are willing to take risks online? Does taking risks online allow us to achieve greater things and do we feel more comfortable when taking risks behind the safety of a screen? Delivered by Berkeley PR and with the aim of raising brand awareness to a UK audience, this podcast mini-series for Kaspersky Lab sets out to answer those questions with real stories from real people who have taken risks online that have paid off. To help analyse the thought processes of the case studies a psychotherapist, Kathleen Saxton from The Lighthouse Company was interviewed along with David Emm, principal security researcher from Kaspersky Lab, adding some colour and their own research data. Production notes: I worked closely with Berkeley PR to develop an idea that taps into emotion and brings real stories to life. Due to the geographically widespread nature of most of the case studies, Skype was chosen to conduct the interviews, using probing questions to get the most out of each story.