Final Major Project: Encourage 'Real' Football Fans To Kick Hooliganism Out Of The Beautiful Game

  • Sam Berwick

The campaign tackles the problem of football hooliganism through the creation of ‘Flag’em’ an initiative and reporting system that encourages real fans to take action against hooligans safely through an app. The ‘Flag’em’ app captures match day incidents as they happen and allows the user to report them in real-time to the authorities, who are then able to take appropriate action depending on the severity of the incident. The system also allows clubs to store data on fans attending games by recording their position within the stadium, continuously track hooligans, and flag up those banned by featuring them in a hall of shame.

Flag'em - Report App
Flag'em - Stricter Banning Order System & Programme Feature
Flag'em - New Ticket System For Authorities (Track & Trace Attendees)
Flag'em - Annual Matchday Awareness
Flag'em - General Advertisement (Highlighting The Issues Of Alcohol And Fan Travel)