Final major project, Memories of a Mother

  • Tyrell Osborne

This final major project was used for me to celebrate and put a light on my amazing mother, who raised two boy's as a single mother, supported us through our education and continued to cheer us on for a decade as her health, sadly continued to diminish until passing away last year. I knew from the beginning of my final year I wanted to do a project to commemorate my mum, and how her passing has also affected me. I decided to do a mix of graphic novels, posters and panoramic to honour her memory.

These sections, or breaks, are part of my large panoramic portraits that I decided to color, there purpose are for the audience to have a short breather before continuing look at this project, but also to read certain sections from the eulogy I wrote for my mother.
These two double-spread panels tell part's of my childhood with my family, I decided to us memories that could be seen as funny.
The next three illustrations are based on famous musical posters, where I embedded myself and my family into the lead roles. I did this because I knew my mum loved musicals, so I decided on Hairspra, Sound of Music and My Fair Lady.
With all the pleasant and positive illustration, I also needed to show how her passing affected me in a large way, so I created a series of rough illustrations to give an idea of what was going through my head while I grieve.