Final Major Project - Third Year

  • Yana Sealy-Bell
The title of this project is Floral Delight and is a S/S 18 collection for women's couture fashion fabrics. I wanted to encapsulate my inspiration and joy for the beauty and delicacy of British spring flowers. My project focused specifically on the aesthetic of the petal as well as the structure and form of the flower itself. Within this I captured their individual textures, details, shapes and emphasised on tonal qualities and gradients in colour.
Throughout the project I concentrated on specialising skills including CAD and hand embroidery, embellishment and digital print. Other techniques I explored were beading, cording and sonic welding. From this I was able to add further depth in detail and colour whilst applying sensual textures and layered surfaces.
Along with these techniques, I used a combination of light and heavy weight fabrics reflecting qualities that are delicate and structural. This has resulted in a collection that is flexible and will fit into differing fashion genres.