Forgotten World - Blue Kizozo

  • Blue Kizozo

Initially Forgotten world is a project I started exploring the lifeless , mundane and politically draining reality of london. Accentuating the intertwined motions of harmony and detachment through environments and connections we have with people. The more I started photographing for this Project the more I realised how antihuman London is , our Humanity is not a priority but this espoir of agenda from the elite is constant. If the top constantly abuses society, especially the working class and minority, we end up being victims of a forgotten world. A forgotten world is an unlivable world , being cultured to be anything else but human , watching the west extend its vision of deprivation in our Homelands and all we can do is watch our own people and our own traces of humanity be violently disrespected! My art is my protest , my art is my humanity

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  • B

    Blue Agency London
