Fox's BistiX

  • Jen Chan
Problem: Fox’s Biscuits want to create a new product to attract the younger target audience aged between 21-30, a group that is always on the go.
Fox’s Biscuit are famous for their combination flavours. However the problem with attracting a younger target audience is that they are always on the go and Fox’s current products are fiddly to snack on.

Solution and Branding - Our solution is Fox’s BistiX: a long circular tube biscuit with a cream flavoured filling in the middle. It mixes a childhood flavour with a flavour that appeals to adults and is surprisingly tasty, creating an unusual mixture, like popcorn and champagne. Fox’s BistiX is a playful, exciting and adventurous product for younger consumers.

Packaging - The packaging is in a pentagon-shaped tube, so it stands out in the shelves because it not is flat. The combination flavours are visually shown on the packaging. The BistiX are in the X shape to emphasizes BistiX’s X. The X will be important in a later advertising strategy.

Interactive Billboard - An interactive billboard will be used for the introduction of Fox’s BistiX. This is a playful game for consumers to guess the flavour of the Fox’s new product.

Ambient Launch - Fox’s BistiX will have an ambient launch in key locations such as Carnaby Street, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Brick Lane, and Liverpool street station. There will be a big spectacle in the form of circular curtain hiding Fox’s BistiX display. After a consumer guesses the flavour right, curtains come down revealing the product and the essence of the flavour appears. For example, if the product is popcorn and champagne, an aroma of bubbles and popcorn enchant the surroundings, so passers-by, looking at and smelling something interesting will want to find out why. There will be young adult handing out samples of the product and saying, “Bite my Bistix” in a playful manner.