Fragile Bodies: The Hidden Self

  • Indigo Macey

We all have parts of our body we tend to ignore, forget about or hide away. Often our backs, elbows and skin tend to get forgotten about. Especially when you get older and busier, people don't want to see the effects of age and time on the body. But the human form and skin is interestingly beautiful at any age, any gender or any race. Each person and their bodies being intricately unique to themselves, heritage and experience.

When taking these images, everyone's responses were shocked, or centred around self improvement, with the older models they both felt strange at seeing the signs of age in such black and white detail. Especially being their backs, both admitted to not looking at that part of the body in a long time one even says "god is that me?!" and seeing it made them very aware of passing time. With the younger male models, both noted they were not looking as in shape as they had felt before, the male back is often an image of muscular strength which I hope to have captured, as well as a gentle softness as well.