An American media measurement company providing marketing data and analytics to media and advertising agencies, comScore had just released an MVP and needed a fleshed out product that would give its users the ability to make more informed and targeted decisions about media buying. The new design had to allow users to seamlessly try different buying approaches and compare them, as well as getting a clear understanding of how to divide their budget to get the widest reach. The design process focused on features in waves, building up to a cohesive and uniquely user-centrred product. The most immediate need was the redesign of the reports generated by the product. Reports were divided into sections, themselves organised in cards, containing all the data visualisations and tables pertinent to each section. This new task required the use of an atomic library in Sketch in order to develop a scalable UI system, allowing more and more team members to join the project. More sections were then (and are still) developed, from administrator screens to section giving users the ability to input their data or create custom constraints. Design studio: Language Dept.