Gary Fixter Soccer and Core Muscles Benefits

  • Gary Fixter

Gary Fixter Core muscles also include the obliques, back, hips and hip flexors, all of which are important for footballers.

Gary Fixter If you want to take your fitness to a new level and reach your potential as a footballer, don't miss the 30-day Football Fitness Programme. This program offers you a new fitness routine every day, building on the activities of the previous day and taking you to the best footballers you can be.

High-performance footballers don't need a strong core, core strength or core stability, but a properly designed strength training on the field will definitely improve performance. Footballers attribute their mobility to strengthening these muscles, and strength in the core and stability play an important role in mobility.
Gary Fixter Plyometric exercises involve jumping, loading, sprinting and changing direction to develop a stronger, more explosive footballer. Plyometric drilling is performed to achieve improved explosiveness and footfall force as well as core strength and stability.
Gary Fixter If you are interested in some of these exercises, click here to read our article on the 10 best football exercises.

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