God Save The Kids Crown

  • Cold Porridge

The unelected Head of State billionaire is having a public-funded coronation amidst record poverty and financial inequality levels. Meanwhile, the number of UK children in food poverty has risen to 4 million. I have read heart-breaking articles that teachers have witnessed young school kids eating rubbers and pretending to eat from their empty lunchboxes because they can't afford food. I am leaving a mark to represent this suffering from the working classes by sculpting a crown made of school erasers. Living in the UK is tough at the moment. Imagine how many children could have been fed with the £50 - £100 million spent on the Coronation weekend alone. Why should the privileged keep taking from the people they are supposedly here to serve? Yet, the suffering public is supposed to watch in adoration and told to pledge allegiance while the painful realities of being working-class and living in the UK are being erased in front of our very own eyes. ​ 'God Save The Kids - Crown' Rubber, glue, plastic, tissue. Copyright Cold Porridge 2023