Google Opinion Rewards

  • Robert Waddilove
  • Teresa Tang
Get: American iPhone users To: Install the Google Opinions Reward app on their iPhones By: Making them feel like their opinions are valuable

Had fun working on this ad, announcing the launch of the Google Opinion Rewards app on iOS.
We needed to express the consumer benefit of a product that pays you real money for giving your opinion in a fun and relevant way. It also had to grab you in the first 5 seconds as it is running as a TrueView on YouTube (the ones you can skip). 
I wanted it to have the quirky feeling of a scene from Seinfeld, whilst having the aesthetic of a feature film, giving it the polish that hallowed iOS users would warm to and give a gift of some humour in return for interrupting whatever they wanted to watch on YouTube.


  • Google logo


    • Technology
