Graduate Collection

  • Simone Leimgruber
Raising sea levels, submerging cities, growing populations and unsustainable use of natural resources; in her first collection Climate Refugee Simone translates a relevant concept into functional value by asking, what if London was drowning?
With a sportive twist, classics are reconstructed for the man on the move. Pleats are key features and create new dimensions. Sleeves push the activeness of a shirt. Lengths referencing flood and tide.
The developed prints depict national seeds and flowers from old books and museums. The print development tells the story of drowning and so does the print placement; subtle on- and beyond the surface. Prints become emblems,
Puff binding brings the concept of drowning to another level. Irregular waves build up depth and the volume changes the character of the fabric. Both sides are valuable and display an underdeveloped surface. The functional reflective Pin Stripes merge the protection in a classical style.
Each garment serves its purpose. Designed with the idea to mix and match, different techniques are integrated and unified; crafted garments being sustainable, collectable and sharable.
The pastel colour scheme creates a new harmony and gender barriers dissolve in the waves. With an equalisation and focus on value, designs thoughtfully fit into various structures and are suitable for everyday challenges.