On Wednesday the 16th of June the editors of Original Magazine, had the privilege of visiting Graduate Fashion Week. We were invited to the private portfolio showcase, the showrooms and of course, the catwalk collective featuring Glasgow School of Art whom we sponsored for this year’s GFW. Set in the stunning Coals Yard and Samsung KX, it was a very dissimilar experience to previous years but nonetheless, showcased brilliant. It was incredible to see the resilience of every student that has participated within Graduate Fashion Week. The last eighteen months have taken a massive toll on the creative industry and especially the students who have had to reconsider and re-evaluate innovative ways to showcase their work. This was evident at the private portfolio review at the Samsung KX, combining advanced technology and apps with the students journals and projects with the use of tablets and phones. Whether you have taken part in the physical aspect of Graduate Fashion Week or showcasing your portfolio digitally, you should all be proud of yourselves. Take a little look at who caught our eye… www.originalmagazine.uk/student-hub/graduate-fashion-week-take-a-look-at-who-caught-our-eye