H&M Sustainable Fashion Window display in Edinburgh

  • Belda Chung
This was a collaboration competition/project with H&M Sustainable Fashion for Year 2 students studying Creative Direction for Fashion. Each group was assigned to different cities to come up with a concept, backed up with an in-depth research. My group was chosen to display in Edinburgh in August for a week.

Edinburgh – Bricks and Blocks

Referencing the beauty of Edinburgh’s heritage architecture, along with the vibrancy of the city’s atmosphere, this installation hopes to encourage viewers to give new life to old clothes. Built with a wide variety of recycled garments, the two stacks represent data captured from Edinburgh’s 2014 garment collection and the goal that needs to be reached for 2015. The message to onlookers is this – help build a better future not a bigger landfill.

Group members: La Cornelius, Mayuko Yamamoto, Annabelle Ng & I.

Also featuring me in process of installing the bricks:

