Harvey Nichols Sale

  • Nikki Lindman
A little print and outdoor campaign which suddenly got a lot of attention on Twitter, facebook, blogs and mainstream media channels across the world.
From the LA and New York Times, to Perez Hilton and Heat magazine, during the weeks that this campaign ran, it was debated, discussed and shared so much that it generated over £2 million in extra press.
It also gave Harvey Nichols it's most highest grossing sales ever in the store's 181 year history, breaking all records.
Including emptying the entire hand bag department within 20 minutes of opening.

Cannes Lions 2013 Silver.
Campaign BIG 2012 Gold and Silver.
Eurobest 2012 Gold and Bronze.
YoungGuns 2012 2xSilver.
Campaign Top Ten ads of the year 2012(press and poster).
Adforum Greatest Hits 2012 Winner for print, outdoor and ambient category.
One man even bought 200 pairs of underpants...