• Martha Havard

In a time where the fashion industry is constantly being criticised for the negative impact it is having on the environment, my collection aims to highlight that fashion can still have a positive impact by repurposing materials that otherwise would go to waste. Inspired by a dress that my Great Grandmother made out of WW2 parachute silk during the ‘Make Do and Mend’ era, I followed in her footsteps using solely second hand and repurposed fabrics. I used these to develop my own textiles which have informed my designs. My Great Uncle was also a fundamental inspiration. In his first appointment he worked as a regimental tailor for 25 years. Moved by his craftsmanship and dedication, I looked to workwear for inspiration for silhouette. Sadly, he (Mr Donald Hammond) passed away shortly after handing in my work. Therefore, in honour of his memory I dedicate this collection to him.