Heathrow Pod 3D training

  • James Baron
  • Charlotte Robinson
  • Jamie Pert

We helped Heathrow’s Rail Engineering team transform maintenance training for their Heathrow Pod vehicles from classroom lessons into digital training; turning PowerPoints and lengthy manuals into much more engaging 3D videos and step-by-step guides.

We created an exact 3D replica of a Heathrow Pod using CAD files and photos. Recreating the vehicles digitally; right down to each individual nut and bolt.

We also created models of the various tools - from Boston Lifts to potentiometers - that their engineers needed to carry out vehicle maintenance.

We captured knowledge from their experts, then worked out the simplest way to walk engineers through complex maintenance tasks.

By combining 3D videos with simple step-by-step documents, we created a library of bite-sized training that Rail Engineers can easily access when carrying out maintenance on a Heathrow Pod.