A project where I was one of over 100 names that contributed to Hélène Selam Kleih's book HIM + HIS. 'HIM + HIS is an exploration of what identity means for the male. Him, signifying his physical being, and His, symbolising the mind, and the journey to acquiring individual power and possession over ones mental state. The book consists of many versions of voice, of both visual and written contributions; a collection of poems, letters, illustrations, photography, interviews, short stories and even the skeleton of a screenplay. All contributions were welcome; whether you are man yourself, and have suffered from mental health issues and mental illness, or whether you are the family or friend, like myself, who have watched their loved ones eaten alive by their minds. HIM + HIS hope to be a longstanding platform and forum for men of all ages and backgrounds to discuss and share their feelings of themselves and of life, to celebrate both the highs and the lows; championing both their strengths and their weaknesses.' – description taken from HIM + HIS website. My contribution was a poem named 'two men, lost inside their minds' and runs across three pages of the book (page 69–71). Book by: Hélène Selam Kleih Book designed by: Hugo Volrath Art direction by: Hélène Selam Kleih and Hugo Volrath Logo by: Nina Carter Published by – Aldgate Press/ Prosperitee Press and Launched on the 22nd December 2018.