Nicholas Permain received his prize amongst the other finalists on the 28th August 2013 at CNB Gallery, surrounded by friends of the gallery, art lovers and collectors. The handcrafted trophy which was unveiled on the night was designed by Damien Hirst, which is a unique and priceless piece in its own right, cast in bronze with the cow and chicken insignia.
We caught up with Nicholas and asked him his thoughts, moments after he gave his winners speech. He said: “It is hugely satisfying to be recognised by CNB Gallery in this way and meet all the respected judges and Mark Hix this evening. Particularly when you see the atmosphere inside the gallery tonight. It has been a fantastic experience to be part of and this is the icing on the cake.”
Nicholas flew back from Egypt to be with us at the awards evening, and we asked him to give us a few words of context for his winning artwork. He said: “The piece itself was painted on dibond (a light weight but rigid form of aluminium) and follows on from some similar intimate, small scale pieces in the same medium. I was intrigued by the nature and meaning of objects, which when removed from their immediate surroundings, lost their identity and purpose. The red cord pull was such an object. No longer suspended from a switch linked to an alarm, it lies dormant, without a useful functionality.”
‘Cord Pull’ was championed in a fantastically innovative space in the CNB Gallery After the award evening. A young establishment, free of red-tape and inhibitions of some older dinosaur institutions. It has stood aloof in the space too, as the pièce de résistance of the exhibition. Alongside all of the other chosen finalists, who have each been given the oppertunity to detonate across the sensory system of London’s most forward thinking district.