Hot-link prevention image for our website!

Don't get billed for other's traffic! // Avoid getting a slow website because of others!

We just created an image to prevent people from randomly hot-linking to images from our website.

Let's start with the basics:

What is hot-linking?

Hot-linking occurs when another website directly links to your web site’s files (images basically). When a person hot-links one of your files they use the direct link for that file and in doing so use your server resources (bandwidth) to bring up that file every time it is accessed on their website.

Imagine you are paying the electricity bill for your house and a neighbour starts plugging in their appliances into your sockets. The end result, you end up paying for electricity your neighbour’s electricity usage and your own.

The image you'll get when hot-linking to images on The Other WorkSpace's website, without consulting first:

Why this image?

To prevent hot-linking you have different options, you can either setup your website to block hot-linking attempts, by straight up denying hot-links from your server's request. This is the simplest way of handling hot-links. You don't even have to have any tech knowledge, or know about IT or programming to do this. If you use a CDN (like Cloudflare for example), you do this by flipping a (virtual) switch, easy-peasy.

But another way, and the one that we use, albeit requiring more tech-y work, has a more fun outcome. Rather than blocking the hot-link requests, you can use a bit of programming, to deliver the image of your choice. The best part is that this only becomes visible to the hot-linker when they actually embed the image to their site.

Now we decided to use a fun and useful image (at least in terms of marketing), but trust me, I've seen quite horrid examples of images that come as a result of hot-linking attempts.

Of course this is probably not the best way to spend your time, if you're working on a website, but to be fair, knowing what the result looks like, it is a fun thing to do! :)​​​​​​​

Feel free to ask questions! If you need some help with the implementation, I'd be happy to help you out! :)