Hot Shots

  • Ryan Duffus
The term ‘fad’ can be defined through the notion of a ‘phase.’ Once culminated, a fad is preserved as a memory. Revisiting such a memory often proffers feelings of nostalgia. This nostalgia can be epitomized through the yo-yo. A yo-yo is often used, discarded, remembered, even sometimes seen as a temporary obsession.
Narrated through a neat, clean setting of type, Hot Shots provides an overview of the toy; from unknown origins to current day influence. The opposite pages document personal anecdotes and experiences of yo-yo’s. These have been submitted online and are typeset to various grids, directly constructed from the motions of the yo-yo when in use. This also relates to the yo-yo effect, an up and down diet craze that doesn’t show results and is reflected upon the spreads with a contrasting typeset. The spontaneity of the yo-yo each time it falls has been captured and translated typographically, taking the reader on a journey through Hot Shots.
Smaller inserts have been placed to break up the narrative which gradually gets harder throughout the book; this is reflected on the opposite page which naturally gets more sporadic as the reader advances through the book.