How Alepo’s Omnichannel Self-Care helps operators boost CX

  • Alepo Technologies Inc

Customer demand for more digital and round-the-clock interactions with service providers continues to grow. Customers now expect 24x7x365 support, on the platforms and in languages of their choice, with more control over their accounts. Alepo’s Omnichannel Self-Care helps operators provide all this and more. Omnichannel Self-Care helps mobile network operators create multiple always-on support and engagement channels. They can provide simplified, interactive, personalized, and digital CX. Introducing automations and AI chatbots eases the burden on call centers, reduce sales and marketing costs, and accelerate inbound leads. The holistic platform includes chatbots for a host of popular social platforms like WhatsApp, Alexa, Skype, and several others. It also provides web self-care, mobile app, as well as conventional channels to let customers self-manage based on their own preferences. Operators can also leverage data to gain advanced insights into customer behavior and usage patterns, helping them create personalized and contextual offerings. Want to learn more about the benefits and capabilities of Alepo’s Omnichannel Self-Care? Download the product brief:

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