How Bad Customer Experiences Can and Will Break Your Business

  • Andile Zondi

One thing that has always plagued me being a consumer in the everyday world is how some businesses treat their customers. I've had one too many experiences where I ended up with a negative perspective regarding a particular business because they treated me like they were doing me a favour. Some may ask, but what does that mean, Andi?

It means that a business treated me like the value I was providing by using my hard-earned money to buy their product or utilize their service was not significant. This can mean many things, from how they treated me when I walked into the store right up to the tone used when I was being addressed, the product packaging, the clarity of their services and their willingness to make my whole experience satisfactory. I would always walk out with a mean look on my face because I felt that I spent my money on the wrong business, and it wasn't even appreciated. Some might say this made me a difficult customer. Still, I beg to differ because that's when I noticed that there were a lot of mistakes that small businesses and startups make that fall under customer experience that is vital to how customers perceive their brand. Somehow businesses seem not to want to invest enough to fix these mistakes.
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