How do I talk with my kid about gender?

  • Andrea Gendusa

How our convictions and cultural influences can affect our thoughts about genders? Planned Parenthood with this video want helps parents how to recognise limitation about gender cliche or how we limit the possibilities for our children depending on their gender. Some tips that give a remarkable indication of how we can change the form to educate and support children without limiting their experience based on gender kind. As father was a pleasure work in this kind of project and animating the fantastic illustrations of Carlos Alegria, under the direction of David Wave. The animation is a portfolio version that we have realised after the client rejected the design proposal, but we saw the artistic potential that could have the animation and at the same times the importance to share the message. Enjoy and share the message. Credits Creative Director: David Wave Art Director: Carlos Alegria Designers: Carlos Alegria, Ana Clara Oliveira, Andrea Gendusa Storyboard Artist: Andrea Gendusa, Ana Clara Oliveira Animation: Andrea Gendusa

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    Planned Parenthood
