How Should I Perform Setu Bandhasana?

  • Trexova Wellness
The three words Setu, Bandha, and Asana make up its Sanskrit-derived name. Setu, which means bridge, Bandha, which means lock in this context, refers to contracting or regulating specific body parts, and Asana, which means position. Bridge Pose got its name because when you're in it, your body looks like a bridge. This backbend position is excellent for opening the heart and strengthening the legs, hips, spine, and waist. When performed consistently and methodically, this position can not only be energetic but also revitalizing and restorative.
Sometimes it is not possible to do it on my own, look out for an online yoga class and follow the practices with professionals.
Our bodies naturally have two back-bending curves at the neck and the lumbar region, which are present from birth. To ensure that the less mobile portions of the spine—the thoracic, upper back, and sacrum—as well as the flexible elements of the spine—the lumbar and neck—bear weight equally, this position must be performed with complete awareness. While performing this pose, it is important to engage the spine's entire set of muscles.
Setu Bandhasana, also known as the Bridge Pose, is a fantastic posture to master as a beginner even though it is an inverted back bending posture. Yoga practitioners have the option to reap the rewards of an inversion without actually being upside-down by engaging in the bridge pose. For a deep frontal stretch and to get ready for more challenging backbends, the bridge position is a fantastic addition to your yoga routine.
Setu Bandhasana restrictions and contraindications
1. Sprains or injuries to the neck and shoulders
2. An ankle sprain or damage
3. Surgery for the hip, shoulder, and spine
4. A herniated or acute cervical spondylolysis disc
5. Elevated Blood Pressure
6. Patients undergoing heart surgery
7. Major Osteoporosis or Knee Replacement Surgery
8. Intestinal Hernias
Getting Ready for Setu Bandhasna Practice
It is a good idea to warm up thoroughly before performing backbends. We can perform a few Surya Namaskars before doing Setu Bandhasana (Sun Salutations) Your body will be better prepared for the asana practice if you perform some neck and shoulder stretches. Warm up the spine for this back-bending pose by performing a few rounds of Urdhvamukhasvanasana (Upward Dog Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).