How should you protect your scooter from theft?

  • Nicolae Ho

The scooter, whereas the motorcycle or a moped, is a kind of vehicle which is very exposed to thefts. Over 9,000 scooters, motorcycles and mopeds were stolen all over the world in the last year. Thieves only need a matter of seconds to steal a moped, scooter or motorcycle, especially if they are left with poor security, but the following tips will help reduce the chance of theft. The main question of a rider who lives on a city is how to prevent the thefts as well how to change the old scooter parts with some new kits? The following steps should be very useful for you!

The scooter, whereas the motorcycle or a moped, is a kind of vehicle which is very exposed to thefts. Over 9,000 scooters, motorcycles and mopeds were stolen all over the world in the last year.
Thieves only need a matter of seconds to steal a moped, scooter or motorcycle, especially if they are left with poor security, but the following tips will help reduce the chance of theft.
The main question of a rider who lives on a city is how to prevent the thefts as well how to change the old scooter parts with some new kits?
The following steps should be very useful for you!

Lock, chain, cover

Reduce your risk of becoming a victim by taking steps to layer your security.
Use a disc lock to help secure the front brake disc, or a grip lock to secure the brake and throttle controls. You could also use a D lock on the front wheel to stop it being wheeled away.
Regrading the chain, Thieves often steal a bike by breaking the steering lock and wheeling it away. Use a chain lock through the back wheel (the front wheel can be removed). Secure your bike, with the lock taut to an immovable object such as a ground anchor or street furniture. This will stop thieves from cutting a lock trailing on the ground using an angle grinder. If this isn’t possible, thread the chain through your bike frame and back wheel.
Concerning the cover, Thieves often ‘shop’ for particular bike models. Using a cover instantly makes it less attractive to them. A cover also provides another time consuming obstacle for the thief.
Unfortunately, security measures can’t guarantee your bike won’t be stolen but, by using multiple security measures, you can make it harder and less attractive for thieves.
For your scooter, be assured to used accredited products.

Remove the keys

Thieves are often opportunists and so they will look for scooters that are quick and easy to steal first.
Always use the steering lock and remove the ignition keys, even if you are close by or away for a few minutes. It only takes a few seconds for a thief so don’t make it easy for them.
Never rely on just using your steering lock to secure your scooter as thieves can break the steering lock and simply wheel the scooter away.

Property mark the parts!

Marking as much of your bike as possible will make it more difficult for criminals to sell parts on, and therefore less attractive to steal. It will also help police identify parts and return recovered stolen bikes. There are a range of bike marking providers that you can use.

Find the best place to keep your scooter!

Fit a garage door defender or upgrade garage door locks. Garage and shed alarms as well as low level dusk to dawn lighting will also enhance security. Fitting a ground anchor also provides extra security. Motorcycle or scooter lockers are also available to store the scooter at home.
To sum up, don’t forget to take into account the previous indications and take care of your scooter!

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