I'm like a bird!

  • Amy Wilson
For my final collection at university I focused on my love for hand printing and the new technologies available. The theme of my project evolved from my own stylised representations of birds. I paid particular attention to patterns made by the markings on feathers and how these appeared when the plumage overlapped.

I played with influences such as the South American textile technique called Mola, prints that accentuated the female form in the style of illusion dresses and op art/illusions (inspired by monochrome feathers). My large use of devore to reveal the silk backing to viscose satin was encouraged by the dominance of sheer fabrics on the catwalks. However, the aim was to combine the sheer and solid fabrics into one. In contrast to the delicate silk I taught myself how to cut vinyl on the laser cutter and then apply this to my fabrics. The finish is hard and shiny (like feathers in the light). I cross-referenced my colour scheme from the future colour pallets of S/S 2014 and from my favourite birds.