IBYE Entry

  • Tadhg O Brien

A friend of mine, Michael O'Flynn came to me with a plan to enter Irish Best Young Entrepreneur competition 2019. He wanted to enter the category of Best Business Idea and needed to create a video as part of the application. Michaels' hobby and passion is horses. He has been riding them all his life. He buys them, breaks them for hunting and sells them on again. His idea is to create a safe and secure platform to buy and sell horses. At the moment, they are only bought and sold through private sellers which is where the problem begins. He wants to create a platform where a contract will be created and a warranty up to two weeks can be added. The money for the horse will be put into escrow and held there until the buyer has brought the horse home, and checked that everything is as they were advertised. The buyer can then confirm this on the contract and the money will then be sent to the seller. You can also view the video on his page, Horsepay.ie