• Céline Cassarino
Production: Motteflob Prod
Direction: Motteflob Prod, Lesley Telford
Choreography: Lesley Telford
Interpreation: Carmela di Costanzo
Video: Daniele Plaitano
Photography: Daniele Plaitano

"If" is a discussion between two passionate minds.
"If" is a restaurant table in Rome.
"If" reunites a dancer, a choreographer, a videomaker and an art alchemist.
"If" explores the horizon of possibilities and its shifting outlines.
"If" challenges reality and fiction, the perception of space and time. The essence of it.
"If" is an ode to dream among the dancing chaos.
"If" is the architecture of soul, body and nature.
"If" tells a story.
The outcome is a piece of poetry translated into video.