• Amelia Godel

This project is a reimagining of Dante's 'Inferno', exploring the 9 circles of hell and the characters and settings described within them. We come across soothsayers who can see the future but not the present, Minos deciding which circle of hell the sinners belong by twisting his serpentine tail the corresponding number of times around them, politicians who set fire to cottages for fun (reminiscent of the Tory Cambridge university club who allegedly burned money in front of homeless people) , sinners in lake Cocytus with tears frozen in their eye sockets, and Lucifer himself -wearing Ottolinger, obviously. Creative Direction, Styling and production: Amelia Godel @amelia.godel Photographer: Jacob Rogers @jacobcamers Makeup: Aimee Heveran @aimeeeeliza Assistant: Nina Kolomits @neenkat Models: Archie Bennett @digitisedsoul and Hunnygloss @hunnygloss Wearing: @ottolinger1000 @charlesjeffreyloverboy @isabella.rchive @Zosia.lau @ho0per @jewelzbymealz @garstangg @jnthnjmswllm_studio