Inner Monsters

  • Rinn Reice

Inner Monsters is an 80's inspired animated short about a day in the life of Jora, a young adult struggling with DID. The short shows characters' mental state manifest as monstrous traits; the worse their symptoms grow, the more their appearance changes. The aim of the project was to show how the negative side effects of mental illness can impact sufferers and those around them and the way it alters their view of themselves.

Film poster.
Final film.
Jora Leeds character sheet.
Jonny Longboy character sheet.
Megon Leeds character sheet.
Sioux O'Sullivan character sheet..
Stef Nazar character sheet.
Straker Saint Louis character sheet.
King's Road inspired background.
Gif experimentation.
Bathrooms are full of many emotions.
↑ Art for LGBT+ Pride.
Emotional duality.
Sketch based on the prompt: smoke.