
  • Hannah Doggett

With social media constantly forcing us to compare ourselves, there's no wonder modern women are so insecure about themselves. Body standards are so high and unattainable that many people look to surgery in order to gain what is perceived as beauty. However, everyone, no matter how rich or famous, has insecurities. From a young age, judgements are thrust upon us and particularly women. We are told that having body fat, cellulite and acne is disgusting. That you have to be fully shaved, tanned, blonde, thin and look 'perfect' at all times. This mindset is so damaging to women, yet it is so ingrained. Therefore I wanted to create a project which celebrates and normalises some of the things which society views as 'disgusting', and which despite being natural, make many women feel like they can't be confident and happy with their own bodies. The insecurities portrayed here are mostly from me and my friends - eczema, stretch marks, scars and cellulite. To take this project further I would like to be more inclusive of a wide range of people and their own insecurities.