Internal Elements. Ukraine 2022

  • Liudmyla Nychai
  • Pavlo Shpylovyi

The project began as an experimental digital art residence program. Together we studied and mastered new opportunities for implementation. Learned to create NFT collections and virtual galleries. We created Twitter accounts and got acquainted with the CryptoArt Ukraine community. We have internally displaced persons and residents of the NVAIR emergency program, who are going through war together in an art residence in Ukraine. Several months ago we met again to create a new world together, a new shelter, and at the same time a new project.
"Now I live in the same shelter with artists and IDPs in Western Ukraine. Everyone had a history before the war, but now we are living a new life together with our families. The whole world around becomes more cruel, fragile, and uncertain. But we decided to resist hatred and destruction, support others and share kindness. It is psychologically difficult for everyone to realize that dear people are in danger, but we hold on, "like a locker, a dog and a cat." We will share what we are strong in. Intuition, love, healing, and consequent self-confidence, trust, and unity"
Lucy Nychai
March, 2022


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