Internal Panga League | HP

Challenge: The task for the brand was to engage in a two way communication with all the 7000+ employees and bring them to one single platform where these employees can act as internal social influencers to amplify the digital campaign. Regular engagement with HP employees was usually a monologue. But by becoming a principal partner of RCB during the IPL season, HP wanted to engage with all 7000+ employees where they can help in amplifying the digital conversation on the internet during the IPL season. Insight: Make every employee feel proud of the historic venture their organization had entered into and bind them together into a solid force that would be the voice of the brand, like its own influencer army. Idea: Started the biggest employee engagement program of HP India — Indian Panga League.Our strategy was executed in three phases: Deployment + Adoption + Engagement The formula was simple — share HP’s social media content through Sociable and score runs. The highest run-getter would win amazing rewards and meet the RCB team. Every like counted as a run, a share on FB/Twitter was a Super Four and LinkedIn was Shandaar Six. Result: Registration in the first two hours: 100+ Registration in a month: 1700+ Employees active at once: 700+ UGC created by employees: 7000+