International Woman's Day - TMS Push for Progress

As a business TMS stands by driving equality. We know that together as women and men we have to be united in driving real change. To that end,  we hook taken this initiative to the global stage and we're proud to say that each TMS location across the globe is standing together to recognise IWD and make a global commitment to ‘Push for Progress’.
We executed this across our London agency in three key ways.
1. We wore black in support of the #PushForProgress campaign
2. We quite literally stuck put some hard-hitting statistics and inspirational quotes in front of faces. We put stickers up across the London office in the kitchens, stairwells, toilets and meeting rooms.
3. We did an agency-wide desk drop displaying the names and stories of important women through history to showcase some of the incredible things that women have achieved.
4. Our Managing Director, Mark Watson published a blog giving his take and thoughts on International Women's Day.


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